Terms and conditions


These Terms of Use apply to your use of our platform “INDEEYA” and website https://indeeya.in (all together, “Services”). These Terms form an agreement between you and Lidex India Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 having its registered office at KP18/191 Shareef Manzil, Anayamkunnu, Kumaranellur P O, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, Pin: 673602.

By visiting the Website and platform you agree to be bound by this Terms of Use and to use the Site in accordance with these Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, and any additional terms and conditions that are referenced herein or that otherwise may apply to specific sections of the Site, or to products and services that we make available to you through the Site (all of which are deemed part of these Terms of Use). Accessing the Site, in any manner, whether automated or otherwise constitutes use of the Site and your agreement to be bound by these Terms of Use, including any future modifications and you will also be bound to abide and follow all applicable laws, rules and regulations.

Lidex India Private Limited and its affiliates, including its online platform “INDEEYA” uses the cloud space of Amazon Web Service to store the information, and you understand that through your use of this Site as well as any Services that you consent to the collection and use of information (as set forth in the applicable Privacy Policy), including the transfer of this information for storage, processing, and use by Lidex India Private Limited and its affiliates, that includes INDEEYA. When you access the website or use any of the services provided therein, you will be subject to the rules, guidelines, policies, terms, and conditions applicable to such service and they shall be deemed to be incorporated into this Terms of Use and shall be considered as part and parcel of this Terms of Use.

For the purpose of these Terms of Use, wherever the context so requires, "You" or "User" shall mean any person who has agreed to register, use, or access the Website by providing Registration Data and Lidex allows the User to surf the Website, upload products or services for sale or making purchases without registering on the Website. The term "We", "Us", "Our", ”Lidex” shall mean Lidex India Private Limited and its affiliates including INDEEYA.

Please read through this Terms of Use carefully. These Terms of Use can be modified at any time, and each such modification will be effective upon posting the same on the website. All material modifications will apply prospectively only. Your continued use of the website and Platform following any such modification constitutes your acceptance of the terms so modified. It is therefore important that you review this Terms of Use regularly. You can enter and use the Website as long as you comply with these Terms of Use and if you do not agree to be bound by this Agreement and to abide by the laws applicable, you should discontinue/refrain from accessing and using this website and the services provided therein and your non-acceptance will result in restricted or no access to use the website and the services provided.

This agreement is legally binding between the user and Us and by accessing and using the website, you signify your acceptance to the terms and conditions. By clicking on an ‘I agree’ button, checkbox, or similar action on the platform acknowledging that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms of use you accept and give your consent to this Terms of Use Agreement and serves as your digital signature implying that you are aware of your rights and obligations as a USER. By impliedly or expressly accepting these Terms of Use, you also accept and agree to be bound by the policies including but not limited to the privacy policy available on the website as amended from time to time. Users will have the option to revoke their acceptance of the Terms of Use by ceasing to use the platform and terminating the account, subject to the platform’s procedure for account closure.


Lidex India Private Limited and its affiliates including its online platform “INDEEYA” (collectively called as ‘Lidex’) is a smart manufacturing and digital supply chain ecosystem catering to the industry through its various services including and not limited to, an online marketplace that caters to the business needs of the industrial manufacturing sector by gathering and displaying industrial products, customized manufacturing products, raw materials, and services from multiple sources where material and service suppliers can interact with buyers, enquire products, raise quotations, and procure products and services; including other services like integrated Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management System (“ERP”) and Manufacturing Execution Systems (collectively called as IT systems) to manage the business activities of a manufacturing company from receiving an enquiry for a new business, preparing and submitting the quotations manufacturing the product through various operations and supply chain process, invoicing, dispatching, and carrying out all necessary financial transactions to support the business activities as well as to handle HR & Administration; including other services like providing technology and systems for digital transformation of the entire business and its process, including building smart manufacturing capabilities with Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, blockchain technology, and any such system and practices that improve the performance of the manufacturing sector, including other services focused on technical and people development education and upskilling, partnering with Industry and Institutions, industry-involved apprenticeship programs, training, coaching, and mentoring of all stakeholders from industry and institutions using online, offline tools and facilities. The website and its affiliated platform use the cloud services like Amazon Web Service, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, or any such third-party services to store the necessary data and to provide the services. For more information about us please visit https://indeeya.in/aboutUs.html.


To access and use our website and its affiliated INDEEYA platform, the User must register as a Registered User on the website. The USER must provide accurate and complete information like identification, contact, etc. that may be required as part of the Account registration process and/or continued use of the Service, and you must keep your Account information updated. Users are bound to provide accurate and up-to-date information during the registration process. The platform may also request additional verification or documents from users to verify their identity or ownership of listed items.

You must be of at least 18 years of age, or the minimum age required in your country to give consent as the use of the services of the Website is available only to persons who can form legally binding contracts under Indian Contract Act, 1872. Persons who are "incompetent to contract" within the meaning of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 including minors, un-discharged insolvents, etc. are not eligible to use the Website. LIDEX reserves the right to terminate your membership and/or refuse to provide access to the Website if it is brought to its notice or if it is discovered that you are under the age of 18 years.

You shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials like your Username and Password, with choosing strong passwords and regularly updating them. You are prohibited from sharing your login credentials with others and you will be responsible for all activities that occur under your account. You shall choose usernames clearly indicating that it belongs to you and do not deliberately mislead others to think you to be someone else. You are advised to access the platform from secure networks and devices to prevent unauthorized access. You must notify us immediately of any change in your eligibility to use the Services, breach of security, or unauthorized use of your Account. You should never publish, distribute or post login information for your Account. We will not be liable for any loss or damage from your failure to maintain the security of your Account and password.

If you create an account or use the Services on behalf of another person or entity, you must have the authority to accept these Terms on their behalf. If you create an account under a corporate domain, you would be required to provide KYC and such additional details as required and the use of the website through the said corporate domain would be managed by password.

Users can edit or update their profiles including contact information and other account settings by logging into their profile and selecting the option available for the same. In the event of such changes in the profile, Lidex would not be responsible if the same results in a change in data stored for providing any of the services offered by Lidex including the integrated Manufacturing Management System (“ERP”).

Users are responsible for all the activities conducted through their accounts and they must ensure that their accounts are used in compliance with the platform’s terms and all the applicable laws. If the users suspect any unauthorized access to their accounts, they are bound to promptly notify the platform of such unauthorized access.


A Subscription Fee is charged for the Membership on the website. Paid Membership Subscription is available to corporations, other business entities, and individuals that have accepted these Terms and Conditions by completing and signing their membership Subscription Order Form, either on paper or in electronic form. The Membership Subscription Fee shall be paid as per the terms of the website, as a part of your registration process. Users shall be able to access all or specific areas of the website and affiliated platform after paying the membership Subscription Fee. Your subscription fee is subject to taxes as per the applicable laws. As long as you are registered with Lidex or use the website and/or Platform, you will be responsible for paying all incurred charges, including applicable taxes.

The Membership Subscription Fee is Non-refundable. However, in certain cases, Lidex may at its sole discretion consider refunding the fees paid by the user. We may offer a refund only if you request it within the first 14 days after you registered. After the first 14 days, you may cancel your membership at any time, but no refunds will be given.

Lidex reserves the right to change the subscription fee for any subscription at any time, which will become effective in the subsequent subscription period. You will not be given any refund in case of termination or suspension of your account or any downtime in any of the services provided. The website and affiliated platform may offer promotional codes, discounts, or other incentives, which will be subject to their respective terms and conditions.


Users must not engage in any of the following prohibited activities, including but not limited to:

Terms of Use

If you breach the Terms of Use and do such acts that are against the letter and spirit of the Terms of Use, we reserve the right to terminate or suspend your account with immediate effect.

If you have provided incorrect or incomplete information during registration, and we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, and not in accordance with these Terms of Use, or if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information provided to us that is necessary to validate your membership, we may terminate your account.

If users engage in fraudulent transactions or activities or misuse the platform and engage in prohibited acts that repeatedly violate guidelines and policies, their accounts may be terminated.

If users engage in activities that violate local, national, or international laws or neglect or refuse to comply with legal requirements or government guidelines that necessitate account termination or access restrictions, we may terminate your account.

If we are bound to delete your account to comply with the law, we will do so.

If you use the website in a way that infringes or causes harm to our users or anyone else, or is against the law or norms, we reserve the right to terminate your account.

If suspected unauthorized access, hacking attempts, or fraudulent activities are associated with your account, we reserve the right to terminate or suspend your account with immediate effect on security concerns.

You acknowledge that we shall terminate your account in case of inappropriate behavior from users and that such termination, in our discretion, is necessary to protect the integrity of the website and to maintain a safe environment to prevent potential harm to other users who use the website.

If your account is inactive or, in the case of a paid subscription, you have not paid the required charges for over a year, we will provide you with advance notice before terminating your account.

Users acknowledge that upon termination of their accounts, they will lose access to their accounts, including any data, content, or services associated with the account, and that they will be prohibited from re-registering on the platform using the same credentials and would also be prevented from creating a new account after termination.

You acknowledge and accept that any termination of your membership, either by you or by us, will not relieve you of any ongoing financial obligations due under any Paid Membership Subscription or your contractual obligations to other members of INDEEYA. You will continue to be liable to honor your contractual obligations, pending transactions, or such other responsibilities prior to such termination of your accounts.

If we decide to discontinue your services, we will give you advance notice intimating you of the reason for such termination and giving you an opportunity to explain if such termination is erroneous or unjustified.

Termination of your membership does not entitle you to a refund of any pre-paid fees, but we will refund you for any prepaid, unused Services.


This Terms of Use is an electronic record in terms of the Information Technology Act, 2000, and rules thereunder as applicable, and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000. This Terms of Use is published in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 that require publishing the rules and regulations, privacy policy, and Terms of Use for access or usage of https://www.indeeya.in.

Each time that you use this website, this ‘Terms of Use’ and any updates to it would apply to you, and hence you should frequently check for updates before you use this website. This site offers various features that require you to post or publish photos or content or products for selling or displaying for providing services or availing services through the platform, including social networking features that allow you to post feedback and reviews and allow you to interact with each other on the Site. This Site also may include other features, such as personalized home pages and e-mail services, that allow users to communicate with third parties. To ensure a safe, trustworthy, and fair environment on the website, you agree, undertake, and confirm that your use of the Website shall be honest and lawful in a respectful manner, maintaining professionalism and civility, and shall be strictly governed by the following:

You shall not use any automated device, program, or manual process like "robot", "spider", "crawlers", "deep-link", "page-scrape", or other automatic algorithms or any similar or equivalent means or data mining tools or hacking to download, access, or copy any portion of the Website or any Content through any means not purposely made available through the Website. We reserve Our right to bar any such activity.

You shall not breach the security or authentication measures on the Website or any network connected to the Website or seek to trace any information on any other User or visitor to the Website or any other customer of INDEEYA, including any INDEEYA account not owned by You, to its source, or exploit the Website or any service or information made available or offered by or through the Website, in any way where the purpose is to reveal any information, including but not limited to personal identification or information, other than your own information, as provided for by the Website.

You shall not engage in any conduct or action that might tarnish the image or reputation of INDEEYA or offend, harm, or insult INDEEYA in any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to using INDEEYA's name or trademark in a derogatory or harmful manner or making baseless or untrue allegations or claims against the Company or its services.

You shall not impersonate any other individual or entity, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any other person or entity, or forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of any content posted on the website.

You may not use the Website to post or transmit any information, software, or content that contains a virus, Trojan horse, worm, or other harmful or disruptive component. The site may not be used to transmit or store material or communications that violate any law or that could reasonably be expected to cause damage to or interfere with any other user, the Website, or INDEEYA.

You shall at all times ensure full compliance with the applicable provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000, and rules thereunder as applicable and as amended from time to time and also all applicable domestic laws, rules, and regulations (including the provisions of any applicable exchange control laws or regulations in force) and International laws, Foreign Exchange Laws, Statutes, Ordinances, and Regulations (including, but not limited to GST, Sales Tax/VAT, Income Tax, Excise Duty, Customs Duty, and Local Levies) regarding your use of our services and your listing, purchase, solicitation of offers to purchase, and sale of products or services. You shall not engage in any transaction that may breach the provisions of such applicable laws.

You shall be responsible for providing information relating to the products or services proposed to be sold by you and you shall ensure that the information provided by you in your offers for sale is true, complete, and correct, and is not misleading in any manner.

You shall not transmit any chain letters or unsolicited commercial or junk email to other users via the Website.

We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor the materials posted on the Website. INDEEYA shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to remove any content that violates or is alleged to violate any applicable law or either the spirit or letter of these Terms of Use. Notwithstanding this right, you remain solely responsible for the content of the materials you post on the Website, and your private messages or emails. Please be advised that such content posted does not necessarily reflect the views of INDEEYA. In no event shall INDEEYA assume or have any responsibility or liability for any content posted or for any claims, damages, or losses resulting from the use of content and/or the appearance of content on the Website. You hereby represent and warrant that you have all necessary rights in and to all content that you provide and all information contained therein and that such content shall not infringe any proprietary or other rights of third parties or contain any libelous, tortious, or otherwise unlawful information.

All your dealings with other users or advertisers on the Website are solely between you and such other users or advertisers. If you have a dispute with one or more users or advertisers, you release us from claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.

You shall use the website diligently and carefully and shall select the type of information that you choose to disclose publicly. While we strive to protect your personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose online and you do so at your own risk. You agree to assume all risks associated with using the Website, including but not limited to the risks of transmitting your personal information, publishing content on the Website, or dealing with other users or advertisers.

Lidex Terms and Conditions

Seller Responsibilities

Lidex reserves the right to delete such multiple listings of the same product listed by you in various categories.

Users agree that all listed items would be kept in stock by them for the successful fulfillment of sales and should initiate shipping promptly upon confirmation. If the listed item is not delivered on time or if its description does not match the actual condition of the item, the user agrees to refund such amounts that may be received by them from the buyer.

Users should accurately describe the present condition of the machinery or equipment offered for sale, clearly specifying whether it is new, used, refurbished, or reconditioned machinery. User should also specify warranties or guarantees offered for the items being sold and should also provide buyers with up-to-date tracking details and estimated delivery time. Seller shall immediately provide an order summary/receipt on sale confirmation.

Users should clearly state the prices of the machinery or equipment or services that are listed for sale and additional charges if any for shipping, etc.

Users acknowledge and Lidex reserves its right to review, moderate, or remove listings that violate the Terms of Use of the website, including guidelines for listing items, code of conduct, and acceptable use policies.

Buyer Responsibilities

Users should ensure the accuracy of the orders placed/selected by them, including selecting the correct machinery, equipment, quantity, and specification before confirming the purchase.

Users should go through the design, specifications, and industrial standards of the product before confirming the purchase and placing an order.

Users shall not misuse the platform to unauthorizedly copy design and specifications of the products infringing the intellectual rights of the seller.

Users including Engineers, Sourcing Professionals, and all others registering as buyers and sourcing on INDEEYA represent that they are the owners of the intellectual property placed on the website for sourcing, that they have the full authority to do so, including to place drawings on the website which are then disseminated to the supplier community. Lidex does not guarantee that quotes will be received by buyers sourcing RFQs.

Buyers shall verify the shipping details and contact information provided by the sellers during the checkout process to avoid any delivery issues. Lidex or INDEEYA platform shall not be held responsible for any dispute or issues arising between the buyer and seller.

Buyers shall promptly process payments for purchased items using the selected payment mode within the stipulated time frame adhering to payment deadlines and shall also clear all outstanding amounts for completed transactions.

Buyers shall abide by the terms and conditions of this platform, including acceptable user policies and shall refrain from such prohibited and unlawful actions and such acts that are against transaction guidelines. Buyers shall respect seller policies, warranties, return/refund procedures, and such other specific terms associated with the purchased items.

Third-Party Interactions

LIDEX acts as a facilitator or intermediary and cannot be a party to or control in any manner any interaction or transaction between the users unless the services or goods are directly offered by us. Hence, you hereby accept and acknowledge that:


Payments through the website can be through various modes specified on the website including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, online payment gateways, and other accepted modes like wallets, etc. as provided on the website.

The website uses encrypted and secure payment gateways namely ………. to ensure the confidentiality of user payment information. Adherence to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is ensured while handling cardholder information securely.

For prompt confirmation of orders and to complete transactions, real-time processing of payments is ensured and the verification process is designed to prevent fraudulent transactions to protect users.

All payments made for transactions done on the INDEEYA platform and Lidex on the website shall be compulsorily in Indian Rupees acceptable in the Republic of India. The website will not facilitate transactions with respect to any other form of currency concerning the purchases made on the website.

Before shipping/delivering your order, the Seller may request you to provide supporting documents (including but not limited to Govt. issued ID and address proof) to establish the ownership of the payment instrument used by you for your purchase. This is done in the interest of providing a safe online shopping environment to users.

Buyers and Sellers are responsible for performing their own due diligence on one another prior to soliciting quotes or providing quotes or transacting business.

The users acknowledge and accept that:

Trademark, Copyright and Restriction

This site is an online marketplace that is owned and operated by Lidex India Pvt. Ltd and its subsidiaries including INDEEYA.in, and products are sold by respective Sellers. All material on this site, including images, drawings, designs, texts, illustrations, video clips are protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights and you must not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute such material in any way, including by email or other electronic means and whether directly or indirectly and you must not assist any other person to do so. Modification of the materials, use of the materials on any other website or networked computer environment projecting yourself as its owner without the prior consent of the seller who listed the said item on the platform is a violation of copyrights, trademarks, and other proprietary rights and is prohibited.

We at Lidex respect the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please notify us at legal@lidexglobal.com or write to us at the address given below giving out all details pertaining to such infringement and your rights over the same. We shall delete or disable such content if we find that it violates these Terms or infringes your intellectual property rights and will terminate accounts of repeat infringers where appropriate.

Lidex India Private Limited
KP18/191 Shareef Manzil,
Anayamkunnu, Kumaranellur P O,
Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
Post Code - 673602


1. Contents Posted on Site

Lidex and Indeeya is a platform where users can post/upload photos, text, drawings, files, images, sounds, videos, comments, ratings, reviews, messages, questions, suggestions, information, data or other information collectively called “User-Generated Content”. Users acknowledge that Lidex or Indeeya has no control over such third-party user-generated content like text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photographs, trademarks, logos, sounds, music, and artwork and is merely an intermediary for the purposes of these Terms of Use.

LIDEX acts as a facilitator or intermediary and cannot control the messages, information or files that users transmit, post, or otherwise provide on or through the Site. Users acknowledge that this platform does not have an obligation to monitor any discussion forums, blogs, photos, or videos which users share through this website but reserves the right, at all times, in its sole discretion, to screen content submitted/shared by users and to edit, move, delete, and/or refuse to accept any content that violates these Terms of Use or is otherwise unacceptable or inappropriate.

Users acknowledge and agree that we may preserve such contents and may also disclose such content if required to do so by law or if, in our judgment, such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (a) comply with legal process; (b) enforce these Terms of Use; (c) respond to claims that any content submitted by you violates the rights of third parties; or (d) protect the rights, property, and safety of users, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, representatives, licensors, other users, and/or the public.

You shall be responsible for any notes, messages, emails, billboard postings, photos, drawings, profiles, opinions, ideas, images, videos, audio files or other materials or information posted or transmitted to the Website (collectively, "Content"). Such Content will become Our property and You grant Us the worldwide, perpetual and transferable rights in such Content. We shall be entitled to, consistent with Our Privacy Policy as adopted in accordance with applicable law, use the Content or any of its elements for any type of use forever, including but not limited to promotional and advertising purposes and in any media whether now known or hereafter devised, including the creation of derivative works that may include the Content You provide. You agree that any Content You post may be used by us, consistent with Our Privacy Policy and Rules of Conduct on Site as mentioned herein, and You are not entitled to any payment or other compensation for such use.

2. Linking and Framing

You are free to establish a hypertext link to our website so long as the link does not state or imply any sponsorship, endorsement, affiliation, or other connection of your website, product, or service by Lidex. However, you may not, without our prior written permission, frame or inline link or deep link any of the content of our Site, or incorporate into another website or other service any of our material, content or intellectual property.

The Site may contain links to third-party websites not under our control or operation. Lidex and Indeeya do not endorse and/or are not responsible for or have control over the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. The Site may contain news, advertisements, content, and information published by various third-party providers. Use of any such third-party content should not be in violation of these Terms of Use and may be conditioned on such third party’s terms and conditions.

3. Force Majeure

We shall not be liable for any failure to perform our obligations hereunder where such failure results from any cause beyond our reasonable control, including, without limitation, mechanical, electronic, or communications failure or degradation.

4. Assignment

These Terms and Conditions are personal to you, and are not assignable, transferable, or sub-licensable by you except without our prior written consent. We may assign, transfer/delegate any of our rights/obligations without consent.

5. Agency

No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship is created as a result of these Terms and Conditions and neither party has any authority of any kind to bind the other in any respect.

6. Notices

Unless otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions, all notices under these Terms and Conditions will be in writing and will be deemed to have been duly given when received, if personally delivered in the registered e-mail address of the user or to their address. Electronic notices should be sent to legal@lidexglobal.com

7. No Waiver

Our failure to enforce any part of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of our right to later enforce that or any other part of these Terms and Conditions. Waiver of compliance in any particular instance does not mean that we will waive compliance in the future. In order for any waiver of compliance with these Terms and Conditions to be binding, we must provide you with written notice of such waiver through one of our authorized representatives.

8. Headings

The section and paragraph headings in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.

9. Additional Terms

Users accept and acknowledge that except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use, no part of the Website and no Content may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted or distributed in any way (including "mirroring") to any other computer, server, Website, or other medium for publication or distribution or for any commercial enterprise, without our express prior written consent.

Users may use information on the products and services purposely made available on the Website for downloading, provided that You (1) do not remove any proprietary notice language in all copies of such documents, (2) use such information only for your personal, non-commercial informational purpose and do not copy or post such information on any networked computer or broadcast it in any media, (3) make no modifications to any such information, and (4) do not make any additional representations or warranties relating to such documents.

Users acknowledge that in case we/or our assets merge with or are acquired by another business entity, or in case of re-organization, amalgamation, restructuring of business or for any other reason whatsoever, we and our affiliates will share/sell/transfer/license/convey some or all of your personal information with another business entity. In the event of such situation, the other business entity or the new combined entity will be required to follow the privacy policy with respect to your personal information. Once you provide your information to us, you provide such information to us and our affiliate and we and our affiliate may use such information to provide you various services with respect to your transaction whether such transactions are conducted on www.indeeya.in or www.lidexglobal.com or with third-party merchant's website.

Changes to the Terms of Use: We are continuously working to develop and improve our Services. We may update these Terms or our Services accordingly from time to time to meet the changes to the law or regulatory requirements or for security or safety reasons or to adapt to new technologies or improving our services or for such other reasons that necessitate updating or changing terms.

We will give you at least 30 days advance notice of changes to these Terms that materially adversely impact you either via email or notification. All other changes will be effective as soon as we post them to our website. If you do not agree to the changes, you must stop using our Services.

Our failure to enforce a provision is not a waiver of our right to do so later. Except as provided in the dispute resolution section above, if any portion of these Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, that portion will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible and it will not affect the enforceability of any other terms.


Your privacy is our priority.

We store and process your information, including any sensitive financial information collected, if any, on computers that are protected by physical as well as reasonable technological security measures and procedures in accordance with the Information Technology Act 2000 and Rules thereunder. Our current Privacy Policy is available at https://indeeya.in/privacyPolicy.html. If you object to your information being transferred or used in this way please do not use this Website.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

This Website, all the materials and products, including but not limited to software and services, made available to you through this site are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any representation or warranties, express or implied except otherwise specified in writing. Without prejudice to the foregoing paragraph, we and our affiliates and licensors disclaim all warranties including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality, non-infringement, and quiet enjoyment, and any warranties arising out of any course of dealing or trade usage. We do not warrant that the services will be constantly available or uninterrupted or that the information on this Website or product description or other content of this Website is complete, true, accurate, reliable, current, error-free, or non-misleading or that any content will be secure or not lost or altered.

Lidex and Indeeya will not be liable to you in any way or in relation to the contents of, or use of, the Website. We do not warrant that this site; information, content, materials, products (including software) or services made available through the Website; their servers; or electronic communication sent from us are free of viruses or other harmful components.

Limitation of Liability

Neither we nor any of our affiliates or licensors will be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, or data or other losses of any kind in connection with these terms of use, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. The limitations in this section apply only to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

Some countries and states do not allow the disclaimer of certain warranties or the limitation of certain damages, so some or all of the terms above may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights. In that case, these Terms only limit our responsibilities to the maximum extent permissible in your country of residence.


You shall indemnify and hold Lidex India Pvt Ltd. and Indeeya.in, its subsidiaries affiliates, its owner, licensee, group companies (as applicable) and their respective officers, directors, agents, and employees harmless from any claim or demand, or actions including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any user or third party or penalty imposed due to or arising out of your breach of this Terms of Use, privacy Policy and other Policies, or your violation of any law, rules or regulations or the rights (including infringement of intellectual property rights) of a third party or user of this platform.


The Laws of India will govern these Terms and all claims arising out of or relating to these Terms will be brought exclusively in courts having jurisdiction in Kerala. Jurisdictional Issues/Sale in India Only


Please contact us for any questions or comments regarding this Website. In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules made there under, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below:

Mr. Muhammed Ashraf Vayalil
Designation: Director Administration
Lidex India Private Limited
KP18/191 Shareef Manzil,
Anayamkunnu, Kumaranellur P O,
Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
Post Code - 673602
Email: legal@lidexglobal.com
